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King Of The Mountain - My Cousin Rino brought this riff to me at our studio on our farm when I was about sixteen years old. He said, “check this chord position out. I can play the same fingering on about four positions on the guitar neck without having to move my fingers.” It was one of those hidden key moments that unlocks another drawer in the never ending quest of guitar knowledge. We never wrote anything using this configuration. I used it for warming my fingers up for shows through the years. But when this acoustic album presented itself, I decided to give Rino a call to finally do something with the riff. We sat down without an idea in mind, other than his original idea. After about ten minutes we had the skeleton of what would become an epic song. Rino played all the hooks in the recording and I would finish everything else, including the lyrics. Music is so timeless and this song is the proof.


King Of The Mountain By: Howie Askay & Ryno Armstrong

SometimesI want to go back
To the place I was before
To all my friends I had before
But that king of the mountain has grown old

I left you, you left me
Sometimes that’s how it has to be
Fatal friendships that’s all I see
How lives change, made to break, floating off to see

I know someday I’ll be home again
I know someday that wall will wash away
And all my friends will come and play, someday